CLU példaprogramok

Faktoriális számolás II.

Egy pozitív egész faktoriálisát számolja ki rekurzivan, hibakezeléssel.
[recursion; signals] (CLU forrás)

% Driver and function to compute factorials
% from the PCLU distribution.
start_up = proc ()
   pi: stream := stream$primary_input()
   po: stream := stream$primary_output()
   while true do
     stream$puts(po, "Enter an integer (or RETURN to exit): ")
     s: string := stream$getl(pi)
     if string$empty(s) then break end
     n: int := int$parse(s)
       except when bad_format:
         stream$putl(po, "Illegal integer")
     stream$putl(po, int$unparse(n) || "! = " || int$unparse(factorial(n)))
       except when negative:
         stream$putl(po, "Integer must be positive")
       when overflow:
         stream$putl(po, "Overflow")
   end start_up

factorial = proc (n: int) returns (int) signals (negative, overflow)
   if n < 0 then signal negative end
   if n = 0 then return(1) end
     resignal overflow
   end factorial