A Pascal nyelv
Ez az oldal egy összefoglaló magyar nyelvű anyag a Pascal programozási nyelvről.
- Benkő Tiborné - Programozzunk Turbo Pascal nyelven 16. kiadás + CD-ROM
- Doug Cooper - Oh! PASCAL!: Turbo PASCAL
- Sam A. Abolrous - Learn PASCAL in Three Days (Popular Applications Series)
- Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger - Software Tools in PASCAL
- Mrs Sue Walmsley and Dr Shirley Williams - Discover Pascal in Delphi
- Using Turbo PASCAL 6.0-7.0 by Julien Hennefeld
- Nell Dale and Chip Weems - An Introduction to Turbo Pascal and Software Design (Computer Science Series))
- Turbo Pascal Lab Manual by Wilson
- Thomas L. Naps - Introduction to Data Structures with Pascal
- Michael Edelhardt and Sanjiva Nath - The Brady Book of Turbo PASCAL
- F. Dutton - Turbo PASCAL Toolbox
- Edward M. Reingold and Ruth N. Reingold - PASCALgorithms: An Introduction to Programming
- Claude Delannoy, Aidan Loyns, and M.J. Stewart - Turbo PASCAL Programming: Versions 3.0 and 4.0 (Computer Science)
- Koffman - Turbo Pascal 4e Brief Version
- Seymour V. Pollack - Introducing PASCAL
- Kris Jamsa - Microsoft QuickPASCAL Programming
- Mike Rees and David Robson - Practical Compiling with PASCAL-S (International Computer Science Series)
Utolsó módosítás: 2010.01.31