A PowerShell programozási nyelv
Ez az oldal egy összefoglaló magyar nyelvű anyag a Windows PowerShell programozási nyelvről, részletes nyelvi leírással, példaprogramokkal.
- Bruce Payett: Windows PowerShell in Action
- Andrew Watt: Professional Windows PowerShell (Programmer to Programmer)
- Lee Holmes: Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference (O'Reilly)
- Lee Holmes: Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
- Arul Kumaravel, Jon White, Michael Naixin Li, Scott Happell, Guohui Xie, Krishna C. Vutukuri: Professional Windows PowerShell Programming: Snapins, Cmdlets, Hosts and Providers
- Andrew Watt: Professional Windows PowerShell
- Ed Wilson: Windows PowerShell(TM) Scripting Guide
- Ed Wilson: Microsoft Windows PowerShell Step by Step
- Don Jones & Jeffery Hicks: Microsoft Windows PowerShell: TFM
- Jerry Lee Ford Jr: Microsoft Windows Powershell Programming for the Absolute Beginner
- Joezer Cookey-Gam, Brendan Keane, Jeffrey Rosen, Jonathan Runyon & Joel Stidley: Professional Windows PowerShell for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1
- Tyson Kopczynski: Windows PowerShell - Korlátok nélkül (Sams) (angol kiadás: Windows PowerShell unleashed)
- Szalay Márton: Powershell példatár
- Windows PowerShell @ Wikipedia
- PowerShell Script Center
- PowerShell Blog
- Windows SDK
- Frank Koch: An introduction to scripting technologies for people with no real background knowledge (ingyenes e-book)
- PowerShellPro
- The PowerShell Guy
- Top 10 Tips for Using Windows PowerShell (O'Reilly)
- Regular Expressions with Windows PowerShell
Utolsó módosítás: 2011.06.09.