A Shakespeare programozási nyelv

A nyelv (foglalt) kulcsszavai


Pozitív Heaven, King, Lord, angel, flower, happiness, joy, plum, summer's day, hero, rose, kingdom, pony
Negatív Hell, bastard, beggar, blister, codpiece, coward, curse, death, devil, draught, famine, flirt-gill, goat, hate, hog, hound, leech, lie, pig, plague, starvation, toad, war, wolf
Semleges animal, aunt, brother, cat, chihuahua, cousin, cow, daughter, door, face, father, fellow, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, hair, hamster, horse, lamp, lantern, mistletoe, moon, morning, mother, nephew, niece, nose, purse, road, roman, sister, sky, son, squirrel, stone wall, thing, town, tree, uncle, wind


Pozitív amazing, beautiful, blossoming, bold, brave, charming, clearest, cunning, cute, delicious, embroidered, fair, fine, gentle, golden, good, handsome, happy, healthy, honest, lovely, loving, mighty, noble, peaceful, pretty, prompt, proud, reddest, rich, smooth, sunny, sweet, sweetest, trustworthy, warm
Negatív bad, cowardly, cursed, damned, dirty, disgusting, distasteful, dusty, evil, fat, fat-kidneyed, fatherless, foul, hairy, half-witted, horrible, horrid, infected, lying, miserable, misused, oozing, rotten, smelly, snotty, sorry, stinking, stuffed, stupid, vile, villainous, worried
Semleges big, black, blue, bluest, bottomless, furry, green, hard, huge, large, little, normal, old, purple, red, rural, small, tiny, white, yellow

A szereplők

Shakespeare vélhetően összes drámaalakjának listája itt elérhető A-tól K-ig, illetve L-től Z-ig, vagy a kezdő oldalról a linkek segítségével.

A következő táblázat a nyelvben felhasználható lehetséges szereplőneveket tartalmazza. (Ezeket csak a program könyvtárából, a <PROGRAM_ROOT>/include/character.wordlist fájlból sikerült kideríteni.)

A   Achilles, Adonis, Adriana, Aegeon, Aemilia, Agamemnon, Agrippa, Ajax, Alonso, Andromache, Angelo, Antiochus, Antonio, Arthur, Autolycus.
B Balthazar, Banquo, Beatrice, Benedick, Benvolio, Bianca, Brabantio, Brutus.
C Capulet, Cassandra, Cassius, Christopher Sly, Cicero, Claudio, Claudius, Cleopatra, Cordelia, Cornelius, Cressida, Cymberline.
D Demetrius, Desdemona, Dionyza, Doctor Caius, Dogberry, Don John, Don Pedro, Donalbain, Dorcas, Duncan.
E Egeus, Emilia, Escalus.
F Falstaff, Fenton, Ferdinand, Ford, Fortinbras, Francisca, Friar John, Friar Laurence.
G Gertrude, Goneril.
H Hamlet, Hecate, Hector, Helen, Helena, Hermia, Hermonie, Hippolyta, Horatio.
I Imogen, Isabella.
J John of Gaunt, John of Lancaster, Julia, Juliet, Julius Caesar.
K King Henry, King John, King Lear, King Richard.
L Lady Capulet, Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff, Lady Montague, Lennox, Leonato, Luciana, Lucio, Lychorida, Lysander.
M Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm, Mariana, Mark Antony, Mercutio, Miranda, Mistress Ford, Mistress Overdone, Mistress Page, Montague, Mopsa.
O Oberon, Octavia, Octavius Caesar, Olivia, Ophelia, Orlando, Orsino, Othello.
P Page, Pantino, Paris, Pericles, Pinch, Polonius, Pompeius, Portia, Priam, Prince Henry, Prospero, Proteus, Publius, Puck.
Q Queen Elinor.
R Regan, Robin, Romeo, Rosalind.
S Sebastian, Shallow, Shylock, Slender, Solinus, Stephano.
T Thaisa, The Abbot of Westminster, The Apothecary, The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Duke of Milan, The Duke of Venice, The Ghost, Theseus, Thurio, Timon, Titania, Titus, Troilus, Tybalt.
U Ulysses.
V Valentine, Venus, Vincentio, Viola.
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