Itt található néhány teljes, egyszerű példa.
Néhány alapos példa talalhato
Néhány aritmetikai és lista funkció.
module example$main =
#include Prelude
let fac :: Int -> Int;
fac n =
if (n == 0) 1 (n * fac(n - 1));
fromTo :: Int -> Int -> List Int;
fromTo n m =
if (n <= m)
(n : (fromTo (n+1) m))
in putStrLn (System$List.show show (map fac (fromTo 1 10)))
A function with a dependent type.
module example$taut =
#include Prelude
struct {
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat;
TautArg :: Nat -> #;
TautArg (Zero) = Bool;
TautArg (Succ m) = Bool->TautArg m;
taut :: (n::Nat) -> TautArg n -> Bool;
taut (Zero) x = x;
taut (Succ m) x = taut m (x True) && taut m (x False);
module example$tauttest =
#include Prelude
open example$taut use Nat, Zero, Succ, taut, TautArg in
let id :: Bool -> Bool;
id x = x;
implies :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
implies x y = not x || y;
fun :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
fun x y = implies x y || implies y x;
in do Monad_IO
putStrLn (System$Bool.show (taut Zero True))
putStrLn (System$Bool.show (taut (Succ Zero) id))
putStrLn (System$Bool.show (taut (Succ (Succ Zero)) fun))
Néhány absztrakt adattípus.
module concrete example$STACK = sig {
type Stack a;
empty :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a;
push :: (a :: #) |-> a -> Stack a -> Stack a;
pop :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a -> Stack a;
top :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a -> a;
isEmpty :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a -> System$Bool.Bool;
module concrete example$QUEUE = sig {
type Queue a;
empty :: (a :: #) |-> Queue a;
enqueue :: (a :: #) |-> a -> Queue a -> Queue a;
dequeue :: (a :: #) |-> Queue a -> Queue a;
first :: (a :: #) |-> Queue a -> a;
module example$StackL :: example$STACK =
#include Prelude
struct {
abstract type Stack a = List a;
empty :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a;
empty |a = Nil |a;
push :: (a :: #) |-> a -> Stack a -> Stack a;
push x xs = x : xs;
pop :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a -> Stack a;
pop xs =
case xs of {
(Nil) -> error "pop";
(_ : xs') -> xs';
top :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a -> a;
top xs =
case xs of {
(Nil) -> error "top";
(x : _) -> x;
isEmpty :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a -> Bool;
isEmpty xs =
case xs of {
(Nil) -> True;
(_ : _) -> False;
module example$StackToQueue :: example$STACK -> example$QUEUE =
\ (s :: example$STACK) ->
#include Prelude
open s use Stack, push, pop, top, isEmpty in
struct {
abstract type Queue a = Stack a;
empty :: (a :: #) |-> Queue a;
empty |a = s.empty|a;
enqueue :: (a :: #) |-> a -> Queue a -> Queue a;
enqueue x xs = app xs x;
dequeue :: (a :: #) |-> Queue a -> Queue a;
dequeue xs = pop xs;
first :: (a :: #) |-> Queue a -> a;
first xs = top xs;
app :: (a :: #) |-> Stack a -> a -> Stack a;
app |a xs y =
if (isEmpty xs)
(push y (s.empty|a))
(push (top xs) (app (pop xs) y));
module example$usestack =
#include Prelude
open example$StackToQueue example$StackL use enqueue, first, empty in
putStrLn (show (first (enqueue 1 (enqueue 2 empty))))
A Lista monad
module foo$monad =
#include Prelude
let xys = do Monad_List
(x::Int) <- 2 : 3 : Nil
(y::Int) <- 4 : 5 : Nil
return (x*y)
in putStrLn (System$List.show show xys)
module example$printf =
#include Prelude
PrintfType :: String -> #
PrintfType (Nil) = String
PrintfType ('%':('d':cs)) = Int -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%':('s':cs)) = String -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%':( _ :cs)) = PrintfType cs
PrintfType ( _ :cs) = PrintfType cs
printf' :: (fmt::String) -> String -> PrintfType fmt
printf' (Nil) out = out
printf' ('%':('d':cs)) out = \ (i::Int) -> printf' cs (out ++ show i)
printf' ('%':('s':cs)) out = \ (s::String) -> printf' cs (out ++ s)
printf' ('%':( c :cs)) out = printf' cs (out ++ c : Nil)
printf' (c:cs) out = printf' cs (out ++ c : Nil)
printf :: (fmt::String) -> PrintfType fmt
printf fmt = printf' fmt Nil